
To be creative

To create

To connect with the inner artist

The one that we’ve silenced long ago

To embrace the innocence

To find the demon that said, “No!”

And give it a hug

To be friends with that voice

That inner critic

That monkey mind

The one who seeks not your happiness or fulfillment

But rather seeks its job security in making you doubt yourself 

Befriend it

Be friends with it

Ask it what it wants

“Do you want a cookie?”

Give it a cookie

And it will be satiated

Give it something to do

“Push me in the direction of my creative muse”

And it will be satisfied

But ignore it

Stuff it down

Belittle it

Tell your inner creative that you don’t have time to be with it

That playing is only for kids

And you’re not a kid

Criticize it

Control it

Stifle it

Well it’s the same as taking scissors to wings

And cutting them off

So as not fly

Because flying is nonsense 

It will come back to you

In anger

In resentment

In frustration

And dis-ease

It will come up to you




Screaming to be heard

To be let out

To be created

To be sung

To be played

Your being courageous with vulnerability 

Your embrace with imperfection

Your moments of silence with deep listening

Will give you back

Your freedom

To be creative

To just be

To be

fixing wings.jpeg
Kristina Soriano